
Anyone Can Make a Referral to Hospice or Palliative Care

Expert care, symptom management and caregiver relief for comfort & quality of life.

An earlier referral can lead to more care and support. Our admission nurses respond promptly for an evaluation.

To make a referral or request Niagara Hospice care & support services, fill out the form below.

To make a referral or request Pathways palliative care services, fill out the form below.

Niagara Hospice
4675 Sunset Drive
Lockport, NY 14094

If you need immediate assistance,
please call (716) 439-4417 or 716-HOSPICE

TDD# for hearing impaired: 1-800-662-1220

To request a presentation of benefits and services, click here.

How do Niagara County families benefit when they call
Niagara Hospice?

Our Family, Focused on Yours.

Specialized care and personalized support to maximize quality of life for Niagara County families faced with late-stage illnesses.


We care for patients, families and caregivers in Niagara County facing any type of terminal illness with a prognosis of six months or less.


Anyone, including a family member, relative, friend, health care provider or patients themselves, can make a referral, which is followed by our admissions staff making an evaluation of eligibility.


Once someone calls with a referral, we will respond promptly with an evaluation of eligibility. We will continue to follow up with the family even if a patient is not eligible at that time or ready to admit.


Our goal is to admit patients earlier in their illness to provide care, comfort & quality of life. We want you to be more family than caregiver. Our hope is to give you more quality time with your loved one.


Our services are provided wherever patients call home, including family and caregiver homes, hospitals, some skilled nursing facilities in Niagara County, and Niagara Hospice House in Lockport.


Your family will receive a customized care plan from our doctors, pharmacist, nurses, social workers, spiritual counselors, home health aides and volunteers.

  • Physical Care
  • Supplemental Therapies
  • Emotional Care
  • Spiritual Care
  • Bereavement Care

Make a Referral

Please fill out the form below.

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